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  1. ~[L&A]~Lord Lusenrad

  2.  >>X2X<< RS [L635, 111]

  3. [X-CON] Lord Burek [W26, 33]

  4. •|INA|• MEGATRON [L5,1]

  5. [X-CON] Maly [W426,333]

  6. [K2k] Ninya [W2L53, 311]

Rules : 2k 10pt no fire
Map: INA 1v1 by YNWA 5

Game Speed: 50
kok: Off 
Fire: Off

Cows: On
Dogs: On
Strongwalls: Off

Win = 3 points Lose = 1 point

The 2 players with more points from Group go to Final n ready earn 40$. In case of same amount of points, there will be a rematch between those players who have same points.

Download Maps Here

ID of players on Registartion

Last Round witnessed by Officiall Watchers

Last Round will be held for 3 days, on 29-2 Sep-Okt 2013

no later than 23.59 Indonesian time clock


Last Round rules :

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